Oprah Said What?!

I am sure most of you have heard by now at least a snapshot of Oprah Winfrey’s inspiring and empowering words regarding the slew of sexual harassment cases that have overtaken the media in the past several months.

So, when I listened to what Oprah said, I thought to myself, “yes Oprah, that’s right say it girl”! Over the next few days following Oprah’s speech there were people actually trying to convince us that the speech Oprah gave was in fact Oprah at the very beginning stages of her presidential campaign! What!? Really!

Why can’t Oprah’s speech be just what it was, which was empowering, encouraging and inspiring! A way to let all of the victims out there know that we care about their pain! Why does her speech have to be a political move? Why does everything have to be a planned and carefully calculated political move! (Yes, I do realize that I am using an exclamation point at the end of almost every sentence).

Thank you Oprah Winfrey for genuinely caring and not being afraid to show it! Thank you Oprah for speaking to all of those who are suffering as a result of sexual harassment they endured! I pray not another person ever has to endure the sheer ugliness and pain of sexual harassment ever again! No, I am not running for president people!

How do you 50?!



2 thoughts on “Oprah Said What?!”

  1. I didn’t actually hear her speech but yes, it’s silly to think it’s political. And sad really. The focus should be on sexual harassment, any conversation of politics minimizes the seriousness of the problem, maybe that’s the goal for some.


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